Paul makes it clear that earth is not the true home of Christian believers, but merely our dwelling place while we complete the work for which God has placed us here. We dream of and long for our eternal home in the glorious presence of Jesus our Savior. In this session, we discuss some particulars about Heaven in the light of what God’s Word tells us about our true home.
Death and Resurrection 10 – Heaven – Home of the Redeemed
Study Date -
Study Type - Adult Lesson
Fellowship - Becky Bereans
Series - Death and Resurrection
death, immortal soul, immortality, resurrection, soul sleep
John 4:24, Genesis 1:6-8, Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:3, Revelation 2:7, Philippians 3:17-21, Matthew 18:14, 2 Peter 3:9
Additional Resources
Death and Afterward – Dr. Lehman Strauss
This booklet by Dr. Lehman Strauss called “Death and Afterward” discusses the topic of death and resurrection in ten parts:
1. Death 2. Man - A Trinity (Body, Soul, and Spirit) 3. Can We Believe in Immortality? 4. The Two Resurrections 5. The Resurrection Body 6. The Future Judgement of the Believer 7. The Eternal Punishment of the Lost 8. The Consciousness of the Soul After Death 9. Heaven - The Home of the Redeemed 10. Shall We Know Each Other in Heaven?
Unfortunately, Dr. Strauss’ paper is out of print, but is available as a Microsoft Word document here. Unfortunately, that document is in an older MS-Word format. Furthermore, not everyone has access to MS-Word. I have therefore saved the downloaded document in a more modern version of MS-Word and also saved it as a PDF. Please feel free to download and use either or both of these documents in your own studies, but do please heed and honor its copyright statement.