Never Give the Bible an Even Break

As I do research for my Bible Studies and other writing, I frequently find notices such as the one below attached to the Wikipedia article about Rephidim – mentioned in Exodus 17:1-7 as the location of the Israelites’ rebellion against God and Moses because they had not found any water … More…

Comments Were Broken

I realized today when I tried to add a comment to one of the Bible Studies that comments have been broken since forever. There was a setting in the All-In-One WordPress Security plugin that was blocking them silently. I apologize to anyone who may have tried to comment on a … More…

2017 Mercedes Sprinter Antenna Repair

Sprinter antenna parts diagram

Our van’s navigation system stopped working, and then the overhead light console began dripping water. The integrated gasket material at the bottom of the plastic antenna mounting shell had gotten brittle and started to crumble which was allowing water incursion into the van’s interior. Replacing the antenna mount would have … More…