As I write this, Israel is in the midst of the heaviest combat it has seen on its own soil in a half-century. Whenever the simmering conflict between the State of Israel and its regional neighbors and the terrorist organizations based in the so-called “occupied territories” – Gaza and the “West Bank” explodes into full-blown combat, many fear-mongering prognosticators seem to appear out of the woodwork saying that the latest violence is the harbinger of the end times battles foretold in God’s Word – particularly the so-called “Gog-Magog” invasion of Ezekiel 38-39. In times like this we need to guard ourselves even more staunchly against false teaching and focus instead on what God’s Word actually says rather than what we might hear in the media or from the pulpit.
FAIR WARNING – Throughout this discussion, I will keep my editorial comments to a minimum and try not to make any prognostications of my own. Nevertheless, it will be readily apparent to the most casual reader that I carry a distinct prejudice in favor of the State of Israel and against her political and military adversaries. I make no apology for this. I believe that Israel have been and continue to be God’s chosen people despite their continued rebellion against God. Furthermore, I believe that every Christ follower carries an obligation to support and defend Israel. In truth, this attitude is self-serving. Every Christian and indeed every government on Earth would do well to remember the words that God spoke to Abraham.
I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:3 (ESV)
Indeed, God has already fulfilled the last part of this promise to Abraham by sending His Son in the flesh of Abraham’s descendant Jesus of Nazareth to save all mankind out of death in our sins through His own sacrificial death on the cross and His glorious resurrection from the grave on the third day!