Genesis 26:1-27:40 – Isaac Blesses Jacob

Study Date -

Study Type - Adult Lesson

Fellowship - Becky Bereans

Series - Genesis 2024

Book - Genesis

birthright, ensnarer, Esau, firstborn, heel catcher, Isaac, rebekah, usurper

Genesis 26:1-27:40, Proverbs 22:6, Romans 5:6-8, John 14:15-21, Romans 12:18, Matthew 5:9

Genesis 26 tells the story of Isaac lying to Abimelech King of the Philistines that Rebekah was Isaac’s sister just as Isaac’s father Abraham had done years before. Afterward, Abimelech and Isaac swore oaths to live peacefully together in the land of the Philistines. In Genesis 27, we read how Isaac’s wife Rebekah and his younger son Jacob deceived Isaac into giving his double-portion inheritance blessing that should have gone to Isaac’s firstborn son Esau to his younger brother Jacob instead.

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Patriarchs in Canaan Map

This map shows the locations (known or speculated) for various places mentioned in Genesis.

Map © Used by permission

Uzziah & Jeroboam II

This map shows the territories of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, and the surrounding peoples during the reigns of Uzziah (a.k.a. Azariah) King of Judah and Jeroboam II King of Israel circa 780-740 BC. Significant events during the reigns of these two kings are also annotated.

Map © Used by permission.

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