Genesis 27:41-28:22 – Jacob’s Dream at Bethel

Study Date -

Study Type - Adult Lesson

Fellowship - Becky Bereans

Series - Genesis 2024

Book - Genesis

Bethel, el shadai, jacob's ladder, Luz, tribes of israel

Genesis 27:41-28:22, Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:16-21, Luke 7:22, Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Exodus 6:2-4

Fleeing to his mother’s family in Paddan-aram from his brother Esau who had sworn to kill him when their father Isaac died, Jacob stopped overnight at Luz. There he dreamed of a ladder going up to Heaven. From the top of the stairway, God reiterated to Jacob His promise to his grandfather Abraham that through their descendants all the families of the earth would be blessed. The next morning, Jacob renamed that place Bethel – the house of God.

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Additional Resources

Patriarchs of Israel

This diagram shows the family relationships of Jacob’s twelve sons who became the progenitors of the tribes of Israel. Their lineage is traced back to Abraham’s father Terah. The underlined names follow the line leading to Jesus.

Patriarchs in Canaan Map

This map shows the locations (known or speculated) for various places mentioned in Genesis.

Map © Used by permission

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