Genesis 6:1-7:10 – The Flood Part 1

    Genesis 6:1-7:10 – The Flood Part 1

    Study Date -

    Study Type - Adult Lesson

    Fellowship - Becky Bereans

    Series - Genesis 2024

    Book - Genesis

    Anakim, fallen angels, Goliath, gopher wood, Nephilim, Noah, Noah's ark, Righteousness by faith, the flood

    Genesis 6:1-7:10, Matthew 24:36-44, Jude 1:6-7, Numbers 13:32-33, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 11:7, Isaiah 61:10

    The story of the great flood and God’s miraculous preservation of Noah and his family inside the ark God directed Noah to build is familiar to most people. Children love this story because of the animals that God told Noah to bring into the ark with him. The full story of the great flood takes up four chapters of Genesis – too much to cover properly in one session. In this first part, we take a look at God’s motivations for bringing a flood upon the earth, His promise to establish His covenant with Noah, and the details of the ark’s construction.

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    Biblical Weights and Measures

    Weights and Measures

    Weights in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament

    Hebrew Weights

    kikkartalent60 minas75.558 pounds34.3 kilograms
    manehmina50 shekels20.148 ounces571.2 grams
    sheqelshekel2 bekas176.29 grains11.42 grams
    pim (or payim)pim.667 shekel117.52 grains7.61 grams
    beqabeka, half a shekel10 gerahs88.14 grains5.71 grams
    gerahgerah 8.81 grains.57 gram

    Weights in the New Testament

    talentontalent (Hebrew)talent75.558 pounds34.3 kilograms
    mnapound (Hebrew)mina20.148 ounces571.2 grams
    litrapound (Latin)libra0.719 pound326.4 grams

    Measures of Capacity in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament

    Hebrew Measures of Capacity: Liquid Measures

    kormeasure, cor10 baths60.738 gallons230 liters
    batbath6 hins6.073 gallons23 liters
    hinhin3 kabs1.012 gallons3.829 liters
    qabkab4 logs1.4349 quarts1.276 liters
    loglog 0.674 pint0.32 liter

    Hebrew Measures of Capacity: Dry Measures

    homerhomer2 lethechs6.524 bushels229.7 liters
    kormeasure, cor2 lethechs6.524 bushels229.7 liters
    leteklethech, measure5 ephahs3.262 bushels114.8 liters
    epahephah, measure3 seahs20.878 quarts22.9 liters
    tse’ahmeasure3.33 omers6.959 quarts7.7 liters
    omeromer1.8 kabs2.087 quarts2.3 liters
    issarontenth part (of ephah)   
    qabkab 1.159 quarts1.3 liters

    Lengths in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament

    Hebrew Lengths

    ammahcubit2 spans17.49 inches0.443 meter
    zeretspan3 handbreadths8.745 inches0.221 meter
    topah, tepahhandbreadth4 fingers2.915 inches0.074 meter
    etsbafinger 0.728 inch0.019 meter
    The cubit described in Ezekiel 40.5; 43.13 is equal to seven (not six) handbreadths, or 20.405 inches.

    Lengths in the New Testament

    pechuscubitabout 1.5 feet0.456 meter
    orguiafathomabout 72.44 inches1.839 meters
    stadionstadia, or the equivalent in milesabout 606 feet184.7 meters
    milionmileabout 4,854 feet1.482 kilometers

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