Luke 4:16-30

    Bible Studies

    Luke 4:16-30

    Jesus reads the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2 in the synagogue at Nazareth, and proclaims His fulfillment of the prophecy in their presence. The people of Nazareth try to kill Him, but He evades them.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 4:1-15

    Jesus fasts in the wilderness for forty days following His baptism, and it tempted by the devil. Jesus responds to each of the four temptations by quoting scripture.
    Afterward, Jesus begins His Galilean ministry.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 3:23-38

    Luke gives the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam. We discuss some general concepts surrounding genealogies, and compare some of the genealogies found in the Bible.
    See the Bible Genealogies handout.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 3:15-22

    John the Baptist continues his ministry. Jesus is baptized, and the Spirit descends upon Him like a dove. Herod Antipas imprisons John for calling him out about his marriage to his brother’s wife Herodias.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 3:1-14

    John the Baptist’s ministry in the wilderness. He admonishes Israel to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. He quotes the prophecy of Isaiah which calls him “…the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”

    Bible Studies

    Luke 2:41-52

    Jesus teaches with authority in the temple at the age of twelve. When His parents find Him there, He says He must be about His Father’s business. Nevertheless, He returns to Nazareth with them and subjects Himself to their authority.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 2:21-40

    Jesus is circumcised on the eight day, and later is dedicated to the LORD and redeemed by his parents in accordance with the Law of Moses, since He was their firstborn.
    At the dedication, Joseph and Mary meet Simeon who was promised he would not die until he had seen the Christ, and Anna – a 90-year-old prophetess who had been awaiting Israel’s redemption.

    Stone Manger- Megido

    Bible Studies

    Luke 2:6-20

    We finish looking at the familiar story of the first Christmas with a discussion of incarnation including John’s admonition that the spirit of antichrist will not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.

    Stone Manger- Megido

    Bible Studies

    Luke 2:1-5

    This passage is one of the most famous in scripture – the birth of Jesus. He was born in Bethlehem in fulfillment of Micah 5:2-5. The exact date of Jesus’ birth is difficult to determine but must have been before Herod the Great died in 4 BC.
    See the associated Bible Timeline handout.

    Bible Studies

    Luke 1:57-80

    Zacharias’ blessing of his son, John the Baptist after his voice was restored at the baby’s circumcision. An examination of the Messianic prophecies Zacharias quotes in this blessing. A brief look at the name of Jesus – Dayspring – and the significance of this word, also translated “east” in Messianic prophecy.