Bible Studies
Jonah 2:8-9a
Jonah’s prayer Part III – A consideration of the sin of idolatry in ancient times and today. The Hebrew word for mercy ( חֶסֶד – checed ). The desire of God for us to offer sacrifices gladly.
Small group fellowship in Atascadero-Templeton, CA
Bible Studies
Jonah’s prayer Part III – A consideration of the sin of idolatry in ancient times and today. The Hebrew word for mercy ( חֶסֶד – checed ). The desire of God for us to offer sacrifices gladly.
Bible Studies
Jonah’s prayer part II – Jonah’s despair at separation from God (a type of Christ); God’s abhorrence of pride; God’s mercy and forgiveness of the humble.
Bible Studies
Jonah’s prayer. What the Bible says about Hell (Sheol/Hades). The importance of the Bible’s denial of the swoon theory to salvation by Christ’s sacrifice.
Bible Studies
God’s provision of the great fish for Jonah’s protection until he humbled himself. Also other examples of the Biblical significance of the 3-day period.
Bible Studies
God’s first purpose in calling Jonah – salvation of the mariners by Jonah’s sacrifice (a type of Christ’s). Also casting of lots and the Urim and Thummin.
Bible Studies
Nineveh’s culture of cruelty and idolatry. God’s foreknowledge of Jonah’s rebellion against His calling. God’s three-fold purpose in calling Jonah.
Bible Studies
Discussion of Jonah’s name and Biblical names in general. Also God’s call for Jonah to preach in Nineveh, with a foreshadowing of Jonah’s rebellion.
Bible Studies
Bible skeptics deny the literal plausibility of Jonah. But unless entire Bible is the inerrant Word of God, the foundation of Christian faith collapses.
Bible Studies
Excerpt from the 1960 Movie “Inherit the Wind” highlighting the Bible skeptics’ ridicule of Jonah as an entrée to call into question the entire Word of God.
Bible Studies
Paul thanks the Philippians for God’s provision through them, and admonishes us to be content in our situation, knowing God provides for His children.