Bible Studies
Philippians 1: 12-14
A discussion of God’s call to suffering for the sake of the Gospel, and His purpose in it.
Small group fellowship in Atascadero-Templeton, CA
Bible Studies
A discussion of God’s call to suffering for the sake of the Gospel, and His purpose in it.
Bible Studies
Study of the nature of intercessory prayer, and the Holy Spirit’s work of sanctification of disciples of Jesus Christ.
Bible Studies
Examines Paul’s greeting in Philippians, including a discussion of the Greek word δοῦλος doulos usually translated “bondservant” but really meaning “slave.”
Bible Studies
Discussion of the authorship, date, and theme of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi.
Bible Studies
Location and history of ancient Philippi. Acts 15-16 account of Paul’s second missionary journey and the founding of the Philippian church.