These maps show the possible locations of the homelands for people groups mentioned in the Genesis 10 “Table of Nations.”

Genesis 10 Maps
Study Date -
Study Type - Reference
Book - Genesis
Genesis 10, Table of Nations
Genesis 10
Additional Resources
Ezekiel 38-39 Names
In order to analyze the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38-39 it is essential to be familiar with the names we find in the text. The names themselves frequently have significant meanings in Hebrews. It is also helpful to understand the histories and geographical home locations of the people groups identified by these names. This helpful table is handy for familiarizing ourselves with the names found in this prophecy.
Descendants of Noah
This genealogy lists the descendants of Noah’s sons Shem, Japheth, and Ham along with the meanings of their names. The line from Noah through Shem to Jesus is shown in red. Name meanings are shown in italics.