Palmetto Trail Oconee Station Passage Entrance sign

Station Cove Falls

BriBlog, Whatshupp

Oconee Station, Palmetto Trail, Station Cove Falls

Sunday June 13th, 2021

After church and lunch this afternoon, we took a leisurely stroll from Oconee Station to Station Cove Falls. The trail is very easy, and virtually level. As shown on the map, these falls are roughly two miles as the gnat flies from our house on Lake Becky. This would be an easy walk of a few hours through Oconee State Park along the Oconee Station Passage of the Palmetto Trail.

Map showing distance from our Lake Becky house to Station Cove Falls

2 thoughts on “Station Cove Falls”

  1. Looks like a beautiful location. Hope all is well with you and Sue. We miss you both at Homegroup.
    Gods love.


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