Hive Inspection – 20170830
Summary of hive inspections at Jehovah Jireh apiary, August 30, 2017. We are entering the third week of an enforced brood break in Hive 2. We administered the second of three planned powdered sugar sprinkles in all three hives. The sugar shakes and brood break are part of our attempt to bring the Varroa mite population down going into winter.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
Travel Trailer Shakedown Cruise
Brian caught his first keeper fish at Calhoun Falls State Park, SC while on the shakedown cruise for our new travel trailer.
BriBlog, BriRants
Camping World CEO Apology
Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis made some ill-considered remarks on a recent TV interview and has issued a heartfelt apology which will be forwarded as a PDF in response to customer feedback posted on the company website. Since none of the news media is likely to share this apology because true humility isn’t considered newsworthy, I decided to share it here.
BriBlog, BriRants
What’s So Wrong With Privilege? – The Biblical Perspective
There’s a lot of talk these days about innate unearned privilege. The assumption is that it is inherently wrong. But what if it was God’s intent all along? If so, why? How can the privileged and the underprivileged both glorify God in a world of inequality?
Hive Inspection – 20170822
Report of August 22, 2017 hive inspections at Jehovah Jireh Apiary.
BriBlog, BriRants
Why We Fight
A little tirade about the motivations of soldiers in answer to commonly voiced contentions about the American Civil War.
BriBlog, BriRants
Remembering Bebelplatz In the Final Days of Freedom of Speech in the USA
Remembering the heartbreaking bonfire of books burned by students in 1933 Berlin, and the parallel fanatic proscription of freedom of expression we see in America today, all in the light of Heinrich Heine’s famous observation that where people burn books, people will in the end also burn people.
BriBlog, BriRants
Love Doesn’t Imply Approval – The Distinction Between Nature and Behavior
Pointing out and opposing sinful behavior does not imply that we hate our fellow children of God. Indeed standing firmly in opposition to sin – in ourselves first, but also in others – is a token of true love. We must make the essential distinction between our universal sinful nature, and the practice of sinful behavior.
BriBlog, BriRants
A New Appreciation for Calvin and Hobbes
I found an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon in my personal memorabilia files which gave me new appreciation for the old comic strip I used to love.