BriBlog, Huppstead
Building Our Steel Arch Garage Part 2 – Garage Foundation
Second post about the building project for our Steelmaster steel arch garage. Foundation pour just completed.
BriBlog, Huppstead
Second post about the building project for our Steelmaster steel arch garage. Foundation pour just completed.
BriBlog, Huppstead
Explanation of the naming of our little SC Huppstead – יְהֹוָה יִרְאֵה (Yehovah yireh – The LORD will provide) Farm.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
Notice that the blog site is active, and that Brian Hupp’s former blogs on Blogger will eventually be deleted.
BriBlog, BriRants
Personal memories of Brian’s roommate in Iraq who has since passed on to Glory.
BriBlog, BriRants
A dissent against the popular lie that Christians worship the same God as Muslims and others (including some ostensibly “Christian” sects).
BriBlog, BriRants
An appeal from Ecclesiastes 12 to those who don’t know Jesus Christ as their savior, with a link to an Alistair Begg message on the same subject.
BriBlog, BriRants
Encouragement from Biblical prophecy regarding current events in the Middle East.
BriBlog, BriRants
A proposal based on the story of Lot that hypocrisy, compromise, and tolerance of sin in today’s Christian church renders our Gospel witness ineffective.
BriBlog, BriRants
An exposition of what the Bible (particularly 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) says about the sin of homosexuality (and other sins).
BriBlog, BriRants
Exploring the idea that the “Great Fish” in which God preserved the prophet Jonah is symbolic of God’s protection of hitherto unsaved/unrepentant sinners.