Bible Studies
Luke 7:1-17
Jesus heals the servant of a Centurion saying He hasn’t seen such faith even in Israel.
Jesus raises the son of a widow from Nain from the dead.
Bible Studies
Jesus heals the servant of a Centurion saying He hasn’t seen such faith even in Israel.
Jesus raises the son of a widow from Nain from the dead.
Bible Studies
Jesus decries hypocrisy with the illustration of the speck in our brother’s eye versus the plank in our own.
He goes on to say that a tree is known by its fruit – a bad tree can’t produce good fruit and vice versa.
The passage concludes with the parable of the man who built his house on sand versus the one who built on the rock.
Bible Studies
Jesus makes a brief statement about rewards to those who give generously. We explore how this teaching has been abused by those who wish only to “fleece the flock.” We also explore Jesus’ admonition against ostentatious giving – “don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
Bible Studies
Jesus teaches the Golden Rule. He teaches that we are to love our enemies and to show mercy just as we also have been shown mercy.
We conclude with a discussion of how Jesus’ admonition to “Judge not…” has been misunderstood and abused.
Bible Studies
Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, to pray for those who wrong us, and to give sacrificially to those in need expecting nothing in return.
Bible Studies
Jesus teaches of coming woes to those who are rich, well-fed, joyful, and well-liked – the converses of the blessings (beatitudes) He pronounced on those who are suffering in the previous verses.
Bible Studies
Jesus heals many, and then pronounces blessings (beatitudes) upon those who are suffering.
Bible Studies
Jesus is called out by the Pharisees for plucking and eating grain and for healing on the Sabbath. In response, Jesus proclaims Himself LORD of the Sabbath.
This section also contains Luke’s listing of the twelve apostles.
See the accompanying handout.
Bible Studies
Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) the tax collector, and dines in his home. When questioned about fasting, He gives the parable of the wineskins – no one puts new wine into old wineskins.
Bible Studies
Jesus calls Simon Peter, and the sons of Zebedee – James and John.
He heals a leper and heals and forgives the sins of a paralytic.