Following the death of Sarah, Abraham sent his servant to Paddan-Aram to obtain a wife for his son Isaac from his family. Abraham’s nephew’s daughter Rebekah returned to Negev with the servant to marry Isaac.

Genesis 22:20-24:67 – The Death of Sarah and Marriage of Isaac
Study Date -
Study Type - Adult Lesson
Fellowship - Becky Bereans
Series - Genesis 2024
Book - Genesis
Abraham, answered prayer, cave of machpelah, Isaac, Laban, Paddan-Aram, prayer, rebekah
Genesis 22:20-24, Genesis 23, Genesis 24, Matthew 21:22, Luke 6:38, John 14:13-14, Acts 5:38-39, Philippians 2:5-8
Additional Resources
Northern Levant
This map shows the northern reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the so-called “fertile crescent” of Mesopotamia that lies between them. Also shown are Haran the ancestral home of Abram in the region of Paddan-Aram, and some of the other ancient cities of the northeast Mediterranean basin.