
Hive Inspection – 20171026

Summary of hive inspections at Jehovah Jireh apiary, October 26, 2017. Hive 1 – found several bees with DWV, and several dead, white, nearly emerged pupae on bottom screen. Otherwise okay. Hive 2 – found queen, but she isn’t marked. This hive may have swarmed or superseded. Hive 3 – On its way out. No eggs, no uncapped brood. Very sparse capped brood. Low worker population.

BriBlog, BriRants

Kipling – The City of Brass

Rudyard Kipling is accused – with good reason – of being a racist and an imperialist, but this poem attests that he was also a prophet. I share it here in its entirety because the online resources I’ve found are full of transcription errors which destroy not only the meter and rhyme, but the meaning of the words. How does one forge a sward, pray tell?


Hive Inspection – 20171002

Summary of hive inspections at Jehovah Jireh apiary, October 2, 2017. The bees in all three hives were calm. No sign of any significant infestations. Population in all three hives was sparse. Attribute to early fall foraging, in the middle of a sunny, warm, but not hot day, or possibly due to Autumn draw-down. About 50 dead bees on the bottom screen of Hive 3, but none in death throes like last inspection. All hives seem to be okay in terms of stores. All three hives’ brood clustered at entrance end, with one frame of honey between entrance end wall and brood – textbook behavior per Dr. Leo. No queens seen, but eggs and brood of all ages found in all three hives.


Hive Inspection – 20170919

Did hive inspections today on the twelfth day after end of the enforced brood break on Hive 2. All hives are thriving, but Hive 3 had about 50 dead bees in the empty zone to the left of the follower board, and about 10 bees in violent death throes. Looked for all the world like poisoning.

BriBlog, BriRants

Rapture Predictions Like “The Great Sign” Stumble the Lost

Since Jesus ascended to Heaven, Christians have been awaiting His return. As the world descends into anarchy, our desire for Jesus’ return becomes more and more fervent. Despite Jesus’ own admonition against it, Christians have tried since ancient times to determine from scripture exactly when the “rapture” will occur. The latest of these predictions is the so-called “Great Sign” – an alignment in the heavens which will happen on September 23rd, 2017. I submit that such predictions are a danger to those who are not yet believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Hive Inspection – 20170907

Summary of hive inspections at Jehovah Jireh apiary, September 7, 2017. Today marks the end of a 24-day enforced brood break in Hive 2. We therefore released the existing queen from isolation. We originally planned to requeen today, using an egg frame from one of the other colonies. But we decided on advice from our mentor to leave the existing queen due to the lateness of the season. We administered the last of three planned powdered sugar sprinkles in all three hives. The sugar shakes and brood break are part of our attempt to bring the Varroa mite population down going into winter.