Philippians 3:7-8

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 3:7-8

    All things of the earthly life are passing away, and are totally worthless in the end. Only the knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ has any real value.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 3:1-6

    An argument for Philippians being one letter, not multiple fragments. Also, an admonition against legalism in the church.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 2:17-30

    Examination of the Biblical “drink offering,” Paul’s relationship with Timothy, and the spiritual gift of service evidenced by Epaphroditus.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 2:14-16

    A call to Christian service with joy without complaint as a faithful witness to the lost. Also, the inerrancy of and the call to share God’s Word.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 2:12 (Part II) – 13

    Examination of “fear” of the LORD. Comparison and contrast of the Calvinist and Arminianist positions on “Enduring Salvation.”

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 2:12 – Part I

    Analysis of Paul’s admonition to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” – the Biblical connection between salvation, repentance, and good works.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 2:1-11

    The importance of humility in Christian service, exemplified perfectly in the life of Jesus, who being God, humbled Himself to come to us in human flesh.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 1:27-30 Revisited

    An examination of Paul’s admonition against disunity in the church, and a brief look at the principles of church discipline.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 1:19-30

    A look at Paul’s statement “To live is Christ. To die is gain” and his admonition that suffering for the Gospel is actually a blessing from God.

    Bible Studies

    Philippians 1:15-19

    Preaching should emphasize the Gospel message rather than the preacher. Also why we should intercede in prayer to an omniscient and omnipotent God.