Hive Inspection – 20180328



Short inspection of one remaining hive (Hive 3). Seems to be building up slowly. Collected about 20 dead bees from the bottom screen. Completed two swarm traps. Finished refurbishment of Hive 1 and 2 boxes. Moved colony 3 into refurbished Hive 1 box.



Hive 1

Refurbished box to add ventilated hood, top cover boards, and flush-fit follower boards (2). Added spring bar under bottom screen to hold it up against the follower boards. Replaced legs with 2-inch poplar dowel inside 2-inch PVC, both notched to allow hive box to rest in the notch. Added 4 inch PVC caps as ant trap instead of the tanglefoot we have been using against ants.


  • None


  • None


  • Awaiting bees.

Hive 2

Completed refurbishment. Modified oil pan chamber to make the bottom board removable for cleaning. Added ventilated hood. Added top cover boards. Built two flush-fit follower boards. Added spring bar under bottom screen to hold it up against the follower board. Replaced legs with 2-inch poplar dowel inside 2-inch PVC, both notched to allow hive box to rest in the notch. Added 4 inch PVC caps as ant trap instead of the tanglefoot we have been using against ants. 


  • None


  • None


  • Awaiting bees.

Hive 3

This is our only active hive. Hive is building up slowly.


  • Good stores of honey.
  • No burr comb to speak of.
  • No drone cells.
  • No queen cups or cells.
  • Eggs seen.
  • Uncapped brood seen.
  • Capped brood seen.
  • Queen not seen.
  • No phoretic mites seen.
  • No DWV seen.
  • No SHB adults or larvae seen.
  • No sign of wax moth damage or larvae.
  • Had about 20 dead bees on the screen bottom under the brood nest (removed).


  • 2 Brood.
  • 5 Honey.
  • 1 Empty


  • Moved bees into refurbished Hive 1 box and placed it in Hive 3 position. Removed old Hive 3 box for refurbishment.

Plan of Action

  • Continue to monitor Hive 3.
  • Seek swarms or splits to replace dead colonies.
  • Finish refurbishing old Hive 3 box.

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