Bobcat digging addition foundation

Lakeside Addition – Windows at Last!

BriBlog, Huppstead

building materials, manufacturing wait times, window backorder

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June 22, 2021

When we started the project, the window delivery was estimated 6-8 weeks out. As it turned out, the lead time was more like 12-15 weeks, and rumor has it that the latest estimates are around 20 weeks. Pity the poor folks who just ordered windows. Thankfully, our windows were finally delivered and installed (for the most part anyway), so the house is now almost dried in, and work can proceed with roughing in the utilities.



All good news except for a few glitches. The transom windows for the bathrooms and old basement were supposed to have been crank-out style openable windows. The ones we received were not openable. The error was made by the person at the building supply company who ordered them from the manufacturer. Our builder is still trying to work out how to handle the issue. Also, due to miscommunication, we received two extra double exterior doors and an extra high window. We will use one of the two doors downstairs in the old basement in place of one of the existing sliding glass doors, and we will install the extra window next to the front entry door so we can look out the back toward the road.

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2 thoughts on “Lakeside Addition – Windows at Last!”

  1. Wow! You guys have been more than busy! Glad to hear the Sue made it thru the surgeries & is doing great now. You are blessed to be able to have a house on the lake.
    Miss you both. Hope one day to be able to visit you & Sue in you’re newly remodeled
    ♥️♥️ Iris


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