Road Trip September-October 2020 Day 13

    Sue with doggies beside van with RV in tow

    Road Trip September-October 2020 Day 13

    BriBlog, Whatshupp

    Blank 1Hx100W as layout aid

    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Apart from a brief stop in Pinconning, MI for cheese, fudge, and lunch, we spent all day today on the road without stopping for sightseeing. Before breaking camp, we took one last look at the Straits of Mackinac, and then headed south. We arrived just before sunset at the home of Sue’s brother John and his wife Brenda. After setting up the camper, we spent the whole evening talking together until the small hours of the morning.

    Straits of Mackinac - Great Lakes Freighter Passing Under Mackinac Bridge
    Straits of Mackinac – Great Lakes Freighter Passing Under Mackinac Bridge
    Mackinac Island Ferry Outward Bound Past Mackinac Bridge
    Mackinac Island Ferry Outward Bound Past Mackinac Bridge

    As the ferry approaches Mackinac Island, the famous Grand Hotel is seen in the distance.

    Mackinac Island
    Mackinac Island

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