Bible Studies
Jonah 1:1
Discussion of Jonah’s name and Biblical names in general. Also God’s call for Jonah to preach in Nineveh, with a foreshadowing of Jonah’s rebellion.
Discussions of the book of Jonah at Friday Night Salt and Light gatherings in 2015
Bible Studies
Discussion of Jonah’s name and Biblical names in general. Also God’s call for Jonah to preach in Nineveh, with a foreshadowing of Jonah’s rebellion.
Bible Studies
Bible skeptics deny the literal plausibility of Jonah. But unless entire Bible is the inerrant Word of God, the foundation of Christian faith collapses.
Bible Studies
Excerpt from the 1960 Movie “Inherit the Wind” highlighting the Bible skeptics’ ridicule of Jonah as an entrée to call into question the entire Word of God.