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Genesis 27:41-28:22 – Jacob’s Dream at Bethel

Aug 28th, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


Fleeing to his mother’s family in Paddan-aram from his brother Esau who had sworn to kill him when their father Isaac died, Jacob stopped overnight at Luz. There he dreamed of a ladder going up...

Patriarchs of Israel

Aug 24th, 2024



This diagram shows the family relationships of Jacob’s twelve sons who became the progenitors of the tribes of Israel. Their lineage is traced back to Abraham’s father Terah. The underlined names follow the line leading...

Genesis 26:1-27:40 – Isaac Blesses Jacob

Aug 4th, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


Genesis 26 tells the story of Isaac lying to Abimelech King of the Philistines that Rebekah was Isaac’s sister just as Isaac’s father Abraham had done years before. Afterward, Abimelech and Isaac swore oaths to...

Uzziah & Jeroboam II

Aug 3rd, 2024


This map shows the territories of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, and the surrounding peoples during the reigns of Uzziah (a.k.a. Azariah) King of Judah and Jeroboam II King of...

Israel & Disputed Territories

Aug 3rd, 2024


This map shows the boundaries between the nations of the Levant through the 20th century and early 21st century AD.

Genesis 25 – Birth of Esau and Jacob

Jul 31st, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


After 13 chapters devoted to detailing Abraham’s life, Genesis 25 tells us about his latter years and his death at the age of 175. The chapter then lists the 12 princes born to Abraham’s elder...

Genesis 22:20-24:67 – The Death of Sarah and Marriage of Isaac

Jul 25th, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


Following the death of Sarah, Abraham sent his servant to Paddan-Aram to obtain a wife for his son Isaac from his family. Abraham’s nephew’s daughter Rebekah returned to Negev with the servant to marry Isaac.

Genesis 22:1-19 – The Sacrifice of Isaac

Jul 24th, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


God’s call for Abraham to offer Isaac is disturbing, not only due to our innate abhorrence of child sacrifice, but also due to confusion about how God could afterward still fulfill His plan of salvation...

Northern Levant

Jul 20th, 2024


This map shows the northern reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the so-called “fertile crescent” of Mesopotamia that lies between them. Also shown are Haran the ancestral home of Abram in the region...

Jerusalem Topography

Jul 16th, 2024


Jerusalem is built upon a cluster of seven hills in the Judean mountains about 30 miles east of the Mediterranean and 20 miles west of the northern shore of the Dead Sea. The elevation of...

Genesis 21 – Isaac and Ishmael

Jul 11th, 2024

Adult Lesson

Becky Bereans

Genesis 2024


Genesis 21 includes the stories of the birth of Isaac – Abraham’s promised heir, Abraham casting out his son Ishmael and his mother Hagar, and the oath between Abimelech and Abraham at Beersheba

Southern Desert

Jul 10th, 2024


This map shows the southern desert of Canaan from Hebron in the north down to the northern Sinai with a detailed inset of the area around Kadesh-barnea.