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Never Give the Bible an Even Break
Jul 20th, 2024BriBlog, BriRants
As I do research for my Bible Studies and other writing, I frequently find notices such as the one below attached to the Wikipedia article about Rephidim – mentioned in Exodus 17:1-7 as the location...
Comments Were Broken
May 14th, 20244G Club, Bible Studies, BriBlog
I realized today when I tried to add a comment to one of the Bible Studies that comments have been broken since forever. There was a setting in the All-In-One WordPress Security plugin that was...
Lord’s Prayer “Translation” From Aramaic
Apr 24th, 2024BriBlog, BriRants
aramaic, cosmic birther, lord's prayer
I recently received a post purporting to be a new “correct” translation of the Lord’s Prayer taken directly from “the original Aramaic.” Regardless of the content of the “prayer,” the provenance of its origins is...
The Dying Church on the Road from Ephesus to Sardis
Nov 1st, 2023BriBlog, BriRants
apostasy, dying church, ephesus, Revelation 2, Revelation 3, sardis
Our church like so many others has lost our first love and is now on the path toward being a zombie church – dead but with a reputation for being alive. What can/should be done?
The Coming Electoral Train Wreck
Jul 22nd, 2023BriBlog, BriRants
election disaster, GOP primaries, trump train wreck
Think the 2020 presidential election was a disaster? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! Think the Biden presidency is a travesty? Get ready for worse to come. For the time being, former President Donald Trump is...
Left Spin or Right – No One Is Watching the Ball
Apr 22nd, 2023BriBlog, BriRants
media bias, political polling, political spin
Regardless of one’s political leanings, it is blatantly obvious that the “information” purveyors of the mainstream media never put out the straight poop.
The Old Shell Game
Apr 8th, 2023BriBlog, BriRants
distraction, mislabling, obfuscation, shell game, spin
Modern society has raised calling one thing something else to a fine art. We do this for two reasons – to avoid facing facts ourselves, and to mislead or distract our listeners.
Do Human Clones Have Human Souls?
Nov 2nd, 2022BriBlog, BriRants
android rights, android soul, becky bereans, human clone rights, human clone soul, human cloning, human soul, John the Baptist
Assuming that human science will soon be able to create human clones and/or artificial intelligence equal to or superior to human intelligence, what inalienable rights would such creations inherently possess?
2017 Mercedes Sprinter Antenna Repair
Oct 6th, 2022BriBlog, Whatshupp
sprinter, sprinter antenna, sprinter antenna repair, teflon sheet
Our van’s navigation system stopped working, and then the overhead light console began dripping water. The integrated gasket material at the bottom of the plastic antenna mounting shell had gotten brittle and started to crumble...
Reflections on Mortality, My Father, and God’s Sovereignty
Sep 26th, 2022BriBlog, BriRants
father-son relationships, God's sovereignty, mortality, psalm 139
I reflect on my relationship with my father on what would have been his 97th birthday in connection with my own mortality, a dream I had, and the reassurance we find in Psalm 139 on...
Salvation in Christ – Justification and Sanctification
Oct 19th, 2021BriBlog, BriRants
Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan Pressing On, justification, Philippians 3:12-14, pressing on, salvation, sanctification
Short description of the two aspects of salvation – justification and sanctification – along with my favorite scripture and the Bob Dylan song Pressing On.
Lakeside Addition – Utility Rough-ins
Aug 19th, 2021BriBlog, Huppstead
While awaiting the roofing metal, the utility rough-ins were completed