BriBlog, Whatshupp
Road Trip – September-October 2020
A round-about way of going to visit family in Michigan and friends in Ohio and Virginia by way of the Dakotas and Minnesota.
Brian’s nonsensical ravings
BriBlog, Whatshupp
A round-about way of going to visit family in Michigan and friends in Ohio and Virginia by way of the Dakotas and Minnesota.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
In 1974, shortly after arrival at my first US Air Force “permanent” duty assignment – Eglin AFB, FL – I … Read more
4G Club, BriBlog
I just noticed something very strange that may be a bug in the Gutenberg editor or in my “go-to” browser … Read more
BriBlog, BriRants
My response to a comment made on another BriRant claiming that America was founded as a Christian nation but has rebelled against God and lost her God-given blessings.
BriBlog, BriRants
I bemoan the fact that there is no means to objectively determine the truth of an idea outside my realm of personal expertise due to the prevalence of hidden agendas and dishonorable motivations among those from whom I might seek answers.
BriBlog, Huppstead
The interlocked slotted construction of the A-frame legs makes them very strong, Using these leg assemblies on 4 ft centers, plant standsof any desired length may be built using standard 8 ft 2x4s.
The swarm we caught in the trap at the Aiken Huppstead is now installed in their new digs at Lake Becky. What I saw during the transfer isn’t exactly what I expcted.
One of our swarm traps has attracted a swarm. I suspect these are actually bees from one of our own swarms that we failed to catch, now returned home.
4G Club, BriBlog
The Brave browser is incompatible with GoDaddy’s content delivery network. It took me weeks to troubleshoot this issue after heading down several wrong paths.
Heavy winds knocked over the source hive for the split three weeks ago, spilling diatomaceous earth from the pest larva traps into the hive chamber.