BriBlog, BriRants
I’ll Keep My Third-World Toilet, Thanks
Response to someone who called the USA a third-world toilet.
Brian’s nonsensical ravings
BriBlog, BriRants
Response to someone who called the USA a third-world toilet.
BriBlog, BriRants
Rant pertaining to Memorial Day, and how it has largely been memorable over my career by not having the day off.
Also, a little talk about the missing man.
Preserving a narrative of the swarms from Hive 2 at Yahweh Yireh apiary – June 14 & 15, 2018.
Did a quick inspection of Hive 3. They aren’t building up very quickly, but they have plenty of stores and are bringing in a lot. Transplanted a 10-frame split from a friend’s hive into one of the newly re-worked horizontals.
The loss of two out of three of our colonies this winter afforded us the opportunity to make some improvements to our horizontal Langstroth hives that will hopefully resolve some of the issues we’ve had with them.
Some encouragement as our last remaining colony seems to be building up slowly.
Remaining colony still alive. Finished refurbishing two hives. Swapped out Hive 3 box with refurbished box. Began refurbishing Hive 3 box.
Single remaining active hive building up slowly. Two hives taken offline for refurbishment.
BriBlog, BriRants
Why I’m going to be ignoring Facebook for a while, and maybe turning it off for good.
Summary of town meeting on pesticide regulation in South Carolina held at Oakwood/Windsor Elementary School – Feb 27, 2018. Representatives from Clemson University Extension Service and Department of Pesticide Regulation made presentations about pesticide management regulations, enforcement, and training in the state of South Carolina