Sue and dogs sitting at Twin Falls overlook

Memorial Day 2021 Stroll – Twin Falls Sunset Community, SC

BriBlog, Whatshupp

Twin Falls SC

We really didn’t have much planned for Memorial Day this year. Of course there was no work going on at the house, and I had intended to pretty much just laze around while Sue and the doggies went out for a walk. But then we ended up having to deliver some laminate flooring we had pulled out of the house and put up for sale. The drop for the flooring was just a few miles away from Twin Falls, so we decided to go check it out. The trail to the falls is very short, and an easy stroll unlike some of the other waterfall trails in the area. It took just a few minutes to reach the falls. It was a beautiful cool afternoon – quite unusual for the end of May. It being Memorial Day there were a fair number of people at the site. The good thing about being retired and living up in Oconee County as permanent residents is that we can come up here as often as we like on the weekdays when everybody is at work or school.

Sue and Doggies at Twin Falls Overlook

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