Refurbishment of The Surly Curmudgeon is Now Live

    Refurbishment of The Surly Curmudgeon is Now Live

    BriBlog, Whatshupp

    blog subscription, e-mail subscription, mailchimp

    It’s been a long time coming, and I will soon post a blow-by-blow description in the 4G Club blog detailing the struggle, but for now let this post suffice to prove that the new e-mail subscription function on The Surly Curmudgeon is working. Hopefully, it will also integrate with my Facebook profile and automatically post an update there whenever new curmudgeonliness (like this silly test post) is published on The Surly Curmudgeon.

    The site also has a new “look and feel” that lays out the content in a tile format on the home page in addition to the classic pull-down menu at the top of each page. There is also a new contact option in the main menu that will allow visitors to contact me with trouble reports, suggestions, or just to rant.

    See ya ’round the Funway!

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