Sue with doggies beside van with RV in tow

Road Trip September – October 2020 Day 23

BriBlog, Whatshupp

Blue Ridge Parkway, Cascades Trail, Jeffress Park

Friday October 16, 2020

This was the last day of our trip. When we woke up, the weather was blustery with intermittent rain. After a pleasant visit with the campground owners, we headed back out onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. Shortly afterward, we arrived at E.B Jeffress Park and stopped to walk along the Cascades Trail. After a pleasant hour or so along Fall Creek, we headed back out onto the Parkway. The weather began to break up in the early afternoon. We left the Parkway at Beech Gap a little after sunset, and continued southward and downward in the dark, finally arriving home in Mountain Rest a little after 9 PM, to a welcome hot shower, and our nice, warm, comfortable king-size bed.

Route map Miller's Campground to Mountain Rest

Cascades Trail

Cascades Trail Bridge
Cascades Trail-1
Cascades Trail-2
Cascades Trail-4
Cascades Trail-3
Cascades Trail-5
Cascades Trail-6
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Heading for Home on the Blue Ridge Parkway

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Ready for Home

Doggies Ready for Home and Supper

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