Building Our Steel Arch Garage
- Part 1 – Ordering the Kit (First Missteps)
- Part 2 – Garage Foundation – you are here
- Part 3 – Foundation Issues
- Part 4 – Assembling the Arches
- Part 5 – Raising the Arches
- Part 6 – End Wall Woes
- Part 7 – Door Installation
Garage Foundation
The foundation for the new garage was poured back in December 2016. Many thanks to Jason Hutto and his crew at Southern Footings in Williston, SC. They do excellent work for a fair price. What’s more, they actually show up when they say they’re going to – something that can’t really be said about every contractor or service provider ’round these parts.

Notice that this foundation is per the Industrial Base Connector spec I mentioned in the previous post. It has 12″ deep x 10″ wide footings around the perimeter, and a 4″ slab in the middle. The only complications to this simple monolithic pour are the cast-in conduit for future electrical and water connections, and two slightly inclined run-off lips at the base of the future roll-up door frames. After the foundation had a chance to cure for a while, Jason came back and poured an extension to our driveway, and some vehicle ramps leading out the front and back of the building. Those will show up in later pictures of the project.
That’s Clorox, our little buck who became a proud daddy about a month after this picture was taken, enjoying a gnosh from our homemade, portable round bale feeder in the background.
Note the conduit for power and water embedded in the foundation. I very cleverly ran all of these over with the tractor while I was putting in the drainage rock around the border of the foundation. Thankfully, I was able to repair the electrical conduit. I’m not sure what I’ll do about the water feed. I think I’ll just run a smaller diameter flexible water pipe through the inside of this one. Either that, or we’ll just do without water in the building. That will save on putting in a new septic tank and drain field for the garage and the barn next to it.
Next post – Building Our Steel Arch Garage Part 3 – Foundation Issues
Previous post – Building Our Steel Arch Garage Part 1 – Ordering the Kit (First Missteps)