Hope for Grace (and us)

    BriBlog, Whatshupp

    Hope for Grace (and us)

    After an appropriate mourning period, we adopted a new sister for Grace from the Aiken County animal shelter.


    Hive Inspection – 20180216

    A disappointing day. Went in expecting to have to add frames to all three hives. Found very few bees in any of them. Found uncapped brood in only one of them. Shrank the other two hives down considerably. Left the one with uncapped brood as it was.

    Waiting for Mom to get done with lunch.

    BriBlog, Huppstead

    Meet Abigail

    Abigail –
    Born Feb 5, 2018, 12:10 PM to Oreo and Clorox.

    Little Rock Arkansas Central High School integration juxtaposed with a two lesbians kissing in wedding dresses.

    BriBlog, BriRants

    Are Prejudice and Discrimination Inherently Wrong?

    Exploring the idea that discrimination against certain behaviors in the conduct of business and life is not necessarily immoral even when based upon personal prejudice, and may in fact be a loving Christian’s only valid moral position.

    BriBlog, BriRants

    The Christmas (Card) Blues

    The bittersweet air of Christmas time, and the remorseful reflection brought on by a thorough scrubbing of my contact list in preparation for sending out Christmas cards for the first time in many years.

    BriBlog, Whatshupp

    Merry Christmas 2017!

    Brian and Sue Hupp Christmas card enclosure letter – 2017.

    Cheater pipe being used by three military members to close a chain lock on a buldozer transporter.

    BriBlog, BriRants

    The Evils of the Cheater Pipe

    A “war” story about the often deleterious effects of using cheater pipes on wrenches. A dear friend recently reminded me of how sections of pipe are sometimes put onto the handles of tools like pipe wrenches to increase leverage – often with “suboptimal” results. It reminded me of this story.


    The Honeybees’ Prayer

    A glimmer of hope for the colony we had assumed was queenless, despite the ignorance and arrogance of their keeper.