Bible Studies

Genesis Outline

Before launching our verse-by-verse study of Genesis we need to examine the general structure and history of the book.

Bible Studies

Genesis 1:1-2 – God in the Beginning

In our first study in Genesis, we’ll examine only the first two verses, discussing what they tell us about the eternal nature of God and about His triune character.

Bible Studies

Joel 3:9-21

Joel is an end-times prophecy which closely interlocks with other prophecies about the coming Day of the Lord in which the old creation will be destroyed and a new world free from sin, death, and evil will be created.

Bible Studies

Joel 2:25-3:8

Joel is an end-times prophecy which closely interlocks with other prophecies about the coming Day of the Lord in which the old creation will be destroyed and a new world free from sin, death, and evil will be created.

Bible Studies

Joel 2:1-24

Part 2 of our examination of the prophecy of Joel. The prophet foretells an invasion of God’s land by a multitude which Joel likens to a swarm of locusts that completely devastates the land as never before seen.

Bible Studies

Joel 1

The prophecy of Joel is clearly (in my opinion) an “end-times” prophecy – the fulfillment of which is yet in the future. It interlocks completely with other end-times prophecies found in Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Matthew 24, Revelation. The overarching theme of these prophecies is the coming “Day of the Lord” which will bring the utter destruction of the current universe and God’s creation of an entirely new world in which sin and all the curses sin brought into the first creation – death, disease, famine, war, pain, sorrow, and everything else we collectively call “evil” – are purged completely and eternally.

Bible Studies

Ezekiel 38-39 – Part 2

Much misinformation has been promulgated concerning current events in the Middle East in relation to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 – the so-called Gog-Magog invasion. We attempt to set the record straight about what the Bible actually says instead of conjecture.

Bible Studies

Ezekiel 38-39 – Part 1

Much misinformation has been promulgated concerning current events in the Middle East in relation to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 – the so-called Gog-Magog invasion. We attempt to set the record straight about what the Bible actually says instead of conjecture.

Bible Studies

1 Timothy 6:11-21

Paul concludes this first pastoral letter to Timothy with more encouragements and warnings – encouragement to remain faithful to his calling, and warning about earthly wealth and false teachings.