Building Our Steel Arch Garage Part 7 – Door Installation

    BriBlog, Huppstead

    Building Our Steel Arch Garage Part 6 – End Wall Woes

    Summary of issues with the end walls caused by roll-up door stiffeners provided too short from the manufacturer, and my mistake of accepting the advice of the door company representative to press on with narrower door openings caused by base connectors delivered from the manufacturer too long. Addition of gap filler to compensate for the gap above the roll-up doors due to additional building height with IBC flat foundation.


    Our Plan of Attack Against Varroa Destructor Mites

    We plan to use isolation frames I just built to prevent our queens from laying for 21 days, in order to break the brood cycle of the mites. We will combine with heavy smoking once a week to encourage grooming.

    BriBlog, BriRants

    On (Un)Common Courtesy – A Mothers Day BriRant

    My Mothers Day 2017 gift to my sainted mother – praising her for her attitude of true love and compassion for other people, and her effort to impart the same to her children.

    BriBlog, BriRants

    An(other) Appeal for Salvation in Christ for My Non-Christian Loved Ones

    Yet another heartfelt appeal on behalf of my beloved friends and loved ones who have not yet called upon the Name of Jesus for salvation. Our hope for eternal life and forgiveness of our sins can only be found in Jesus. Satan’s program of lies designed to distract us from the Truth of the Gospel is reaching a crescendo, and I am convinced that the time is drawing very short until Jesus returns to overthrow satan’s wicked regime, and (re)establish God’s dominion over the Earth as it is in Heaven. Time is very short for those who will to believe the Gospel of Jesus and call upon His Name for salvation.