4G Club, BriBlog
CAPTCHA Released
The reCAPTCHAs on the contact and subscription forms weren’t displaying consistently, so they have been removed.
4G Club, BriBlog
The reCAPTCHAs on the contact and subscription forms weren’t displaying consistently, so they have been removed.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
Really just a test post to confirm that the new Mailchimp and Facebook integrations are working properly.
14th day since walk-away split. Both hives have capped brood. Neither has uncapped brood or eggs. Split target hive has recently opened queen cell.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
All of us have to do our part to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Gatherings like schoolrooms and church services provide a potent vector for the spread of the disease. Mt. Freedom Baptist Church in Mountain Rest, SC came up with a novel solution to this conundrum.
First inspection of the year at the Lake Becky huppiary. One hive left alive last fall has overwintered and is building up. Split that colony to second hive. Third hive cleaned up and re-sited – awaiting bees.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
Coming to grips with my thoughts and emotions surrounding the death of my mother.
BriBlog, BriRants
Pondering the possible motivations behind the recent impeachment debacle.
BriBlog, Huppstead
Instructions for building a corner desk with monitor shelf based on an Ikea IVAR corner shelf unit.
BriBlog, Whatshupp
Praising God as Sue suffers through an infection of her back surgery incision.