Genesis 7:11-9:17 – The Flood Part 2

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 6:1-7:10 – The Flood Part 1

    The story of the great flood and God’s miraculous preservation of Noah and his family inside the ark God directed Noah to build is familiar to most people. Children love this story because of the animals that God told Noah to bring into the ark with him. The full story of the great flood takes up four chapters of Genesis – too much to cover properly in one session. In this first part, we take a look at God’s motivations for bringing a flood upon the earth, His promise to establish His covenant with Noah, and the details of the ark’s construction.

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 10 Maps

    These maps show the possible locations of the homelands for people groups mentioned in the Genesis 10 “Table of Nations.”

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 2:4-3:24

    In the latter half of Genesis 2, God’s Word fills in the details of the creation of mankind including the … Read more

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 1-2:3 – The Creation

    We examine the creation as detailed in Genesis 1 and the implementation of the principle of the sabbath rest implemented by God’s own example in Genesis 2:1-3

    Bible Studies

    Genesis Outline

    Before launching our verse-by-verse study of Genesis we need to examine the general structure and history of the book.

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 1:1-2 – God in the Beginning

    In our first study in Genesis, we’ll examine only the first two verses, discussing what they tell us about the eternal nature of God and about His triune character.