Patriarchs in Canaan Map

    Bible Studies

    Patriarchs in Canaan Map

    This map shows the locations (known or speculated) for various places mentioned in Genesis.

    Bible Studies

    Descendants of Noah

    This genealogy lists the descendants of Noah’s sons Shem, Japheth, and Ham along with the meanings of their names. The line from Noah through Shem to Jesus is shown in red. Name meanings are shown in italics.

    Bible Studies

    Modern Israel Map

    This map shows the boundaries of the modern state of Israel. The areas highlighted in green are the so-called “occupied … Read more

    Bible Studies

    Persian Empire Map ca. 500 BC

    This map shows the extent of the Persian Empire around the end of the Babylonian captivity of Israel.

    Bible Studies

    Genesis 10 Maps

    These maps show the possible locations of the homelands for people groups mentioned in the Genesis 10 “Table of Nations.”

    Bible Studies

    Ezekiel 38-39 Names

    In order to analyze the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38-39 it is essential to be familiar with the names we … Read more

    Bible Studies

    A Brief History of Modern Israel

    A timeline of events from the beginnings of the modern Zionist movement that led to the עֲלִיָּה ʿălīyyā (migration) of European and American Jews back to Israel in the latter half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century and the establishment of the present nation state of Israel.